
Wheel of Time & TV Review

Let’s talk Wheel of Time. How are you enjoying season 2? As you probably know, we have brought the After-Time podcast back (https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/after-time), and it’s a thumbs up from the panel this time round. Much better than season 1, so far – production, acting, scripting, the story – are all ticking boxes. Yes, we all […]

Writing update and what I’ve been watching


A darkness has descended over Europe. Prayers and thoughts are with Ukraine. In my writing news, I have just finished the first draft of book 3 in the Rankers series (sequels to Deliverance at Van Demon’s Deep), that’s now off to my amazing beta readers – if anyone else would like a read, do let […]

Pepe Deluxe – Phantom Cabinet Vol. 1 – Shaun’s Review


Yes, I LOVED this album! Pepe Deluxé is a Finnish electronic music oriented band, formed in 1996 by DJ Slow (Vellu Maurola) JA-Jazz (Tomi Castrén, formerly Paajanen) and James Spectrum (Jari Salo) in Helsinki, Finland. How to describe this album? Well, you can tell there’s a lot of love and thought behind it, something like […]

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