I’ve been in a holding pattern this month, waiting for Beta readers of Sky of Souls to get back to me and otherwise working on story outlines. I feel some wind heading to my writing sails though. I have been working on character art in the meantime, meet Vale, a ‘fixer’ in ‘Through Blood’s Warm Curse’ (first in Bindcrafter series coming later this year). He is every bit as nasty as he looks…
In my writing news I am excited to announce the release of Deliverance at Van Demon’s Deep into Portuguese this month, you can find that here. Turns out there are a lot of people in Brazil, Portugal and elsewhere. I’d love to hear from you if you’re one of them!
What else? Well, you can now join my BRAND NEW and ever-so-exclusive Facebook Group. It’s hot! And a great place to discuss any aspects of the Feyrlands and Bindcrafter Universe, pick my brains (slim pickings I’ll admit) and meet other Fantasy fans! It’s a quiet corner of the internet at the moment, but Rome wasn’t built in a day. Drop by and we will have some fun, I promise.
In my personal update, there’s been some family stuff going on this month, with the passing of my grandfather, who nearly made it to 100. I wrote and read a poem in his honour at the small service – it’s good to know my writing can serve multiple purposes.
In more joyous news, I was excited to find that Season 2 of Star Trek Discovery has appeared on Netflix – with 6 new episodes to enjoy! I don’t watch much, but this show is a no-brainer for me. I love the whole Star Trek universe, and the opening titles are just beautiful. I am hoping that Lorca will make an appearance, but will have to wait and see. He could well be my favourite Star Trek captain, I just love his brusque demeanour.

That’s all for now, I’m off to do some writing!