They say you should make book titles as specific as possible. Alliterate them. They should flow off the tongue, have double meanings… well, I’d settle for a single meaning. Truly, today I feel like I shall never release another book again, despite having one in the can.
I just have a massive mental block when it comes to titling stuff. This isn’t a new phenomenon. I’ve been in several bands over the years where the band name was forever changing, usually amidst heated debate. And don’t even get me started on my children (although I’ll confess, I left that particular naming honour to my better half – she did all the hard work after all.) I was left to name the cat (Neo), and I’ll freely admit I didn’t have to push him out of anywhere.
So, now I have a book pretty much written (the next, or rather pre-instalment in the Feyrlands Chronicles), but no name—or rather, hundreds, none of which are any good… I have to confess, this is now a running joke inside my brain.
Well, I have a few more chapters to revise, there’s still hope something will spring out.

It’s all lockdown shenanigans in the UK at the moment, but with hope on the horizon in the form of those long-awaited jabs, and the sound of the wood pigeon in the garden, recently returned, I’m feeling optimistic today. Exciting author news? Well, I’m looking forwards to the release of the audiobook for Nether Light, which should be hitting ears in the next month or so. We were delighted to hire the wonderful Maria Marquis for the project, who is the most talented and compelling narrator. You are going to love it, audio nerds! The SPFBO competition trundles on, lots of lovely reviewers and readers taking the time to read Nether Light, and I’ve been posting interviews, guest blogs and articles on social media, if you’re interested.
Right, I’m off to sit in a dark room until an actual good title comes to mind.