Merry inbetweeny-mas!

Hey, how’s it going? I hope I find you suitably baked in your post-Christmas befuddlement. Schrödinger’s cat (Spoiler, Neo was alive, after all) See you later, 2023 2023 may have been all about AI and Covid recriminations, but we’re all about humanity and love in Brighton. It’s been a good year, all things considered. I […]
Wheel of Time & TV Review

Let’s talk Wheel of Time. How are you enjoying season 2? As you probably know, we have brought the After-Time podcast back (, and it’s a thumbs up from the panel this time round. Much better than season 1, so far – production, acting, scripting, the story – are all ticking boxes. Yes, we all […]
Music festivals and summer shenanigans…

I’ve just got back from Glastonbury – the Daddy of music festivals. Boy! It almost killed me. We must have walked 20 miles a day at LEAST! Unfortunately, I pulled a calf muscle a week before going – I could hardly walk – an old football injury recurrence. Somehow, and amazingly, I managed to hobble […]
Do I even speak English?

I’m making the final grammar pass on my draft of AI Defend Us, my techno thriller set in a dark, near future London where tech is, shall we say, a little problematic. Set against a gritty backdrop of a London crime world, it’s (hopefully) a fast-paced page turner. Grammar lessons for moi I actually really […]
The March of A.I.

As I write, England is in the grip of a Narnia-esque freeze. Sussex is white, icy and a hideously cold -6c at night. Luckily, my fiction is fizzingly hot inside my head at the moment. I’m deep into the guts of my upcoming techno thriller, AI Defend Us. I’m stretching the limits of technology in […]